Introduction and Background:
The Agnes Kunze Society ‘HOPE Project’ started its work (on 16th January 2002) more than a decade back with street and “slum” children by providing awareness, medical services, mid-day meal, various counseling and vocational training in various Urban & Rural areas of Dehradun district. We assist children, the poor and the marginalized individuals and communities in need-regardless of background, caste, race, religion, sex. Agnes Kunze Society is registered under Society Act, Income Tax department, FCRA Act, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. And later also got its registration under Education Department & RTE.
Mission Statement:
Agnes Kunze Society ‘Hope Project’ assists children & community in need-regardless of background, caste, race, religion, sex, operating from Sr. Agnes Kunze’s vision that the mark of the human being should be love for one another. We create an enabling atmosphere and offer direct and professional aid to the children & community across all the development domains notably Education, Health, Social Development and Nutrition and Hygiene in the form of awareness, childcare, upbringing, education, job-oriented skill building and facility provision across social and development sectors.
Within these Mission and Vision mandate’s we respond to people’s need with the following broad themes -:
1. Fulfilling the Immediate needs of the Children and the Community:
For the Agnes Kunze Society ‘Hope Project’ the need of the underprivileged is the one and only priority and all other factors like background, caste, skin, color, religion or sex are not relevant. With this at heart we have service provision for slum children above 3 years (and in some cases even younger), disabled, orphans or child victims of sexual molestation, children whose parents are HIV positive or children whose parents suffering from major diseases and for socially excluded, marginalized and abandoned adults like slum dwellers, Drug Users, People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and Tuberculosis.
2. Enhancing Capacity, Skills and Dignity by means of Direct Professional Help:
The Agnes Kunze Society 'Hope Project' does not provide or distribute money to the children and the community. We create an enabling atmosphere and offer direct and professional aid to the children & community across all the development domains notably Education, Health, Social Development and Nutrition and Hygiene in the form of awareness, childcare, upbringing, education, job-oriented skill building and facility provision across social and development sectors.
3. Helping People Help Themselves - Self Management:
The core philosophy that makes AKS- HOPE project different from other development partners is in the fact that we believe in Self Management Capacity inherent in every individual – be it beneficiary, provider or team leader. It has been observed that just providing help may be ultimately unhelpful by rendering the capacity of people to help them ineffective. Our interventions are enabling for the beneficiaries and autonomy-respecting for the project teams and thus we strive for a lasting change in the community.
4. Lasting and Sustainable Impact through long term assistance:
We realize that in order to achieve a lasting gain, moral, material and psychosocial support and a good upbringing and education needs to be provided over long periods of time. This long term support and relationship is needed for children who have the disadvantage of an impoverished background as well as for many adults suffering from Disability /Chronic conditions. Thus we do not follow the HIT and RUN policy, our support for these children and adults usually lasts for a number of years. This also echoes with Sr. Agnes Kunze’s efforts –as she devoted her whole life, we also are undertaking this investment of major consequences. Thanks to the support and the generosity of our sponsors/supporters and well-wishers, these children and adult experience positive life cycle changes and contribute to the society.
Key Awards , Recognitions and Appreciations :
At present, the Society is providing a comprehensive and holistic mix of social and developmental activities to the communities it serves. Our focus areas are Education, Health care, Livelihood , Environment, Advocacy and Empowerment.
The Society is targeting all the Rural/Urban slums areas specially slum dwellers, street children , daily wages laborers, Truck Drivers, Taxi Driver, Auto Driver, Bus Driver, Vegetable Vendor,PWD,CWMDs,Adult and Children infected and affected by HIV, Children at risk ,Youth and Women etc.
The AKS HOPE’s work in TB and HIV has been recognized by the World Health Organization and we were invited to participate in the workshop for TB-HIV collaborative activities organized by WHO – South East Asia Regional Office which was from 9-11 July 2012.
His Excellency, the Governor of Uttarakhand has lauded the efforts of the AKS Academy to bring smart board based digital education to the slums of Dehradun and has issued a letter of commendation for the same on 25th April 2015.
We are also member of the Stop TB Partnership of the WHO.
We have been awarded the Health Excellence Award by the Govt. of Uttarakhand in 2012.
The Uttarakhand State AIDS Control Society has been felicitating the AKS HOPE project on World AIDS Day every year since 2009 till date.
CM Appreciation award for Disaster Response on 13th December 2013
Ausaid Fellowship program at University of Melbourne from 10 weeks (Disability mainstreaming and Inclusion) August – October 2011
Key Alliances (throughout the Journey)
The AKS HOPE project has forged alliances with NGOs, Networks, Universities and academic institutes, and government agencies working on the health and development.
At the International Level our partners include Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne, Target TB – United Kingdom, Tearfund - United Kingdom, Stop TB Partneship Geneva, KHW Asia, CBM, CHGN International, Joni and Friends ASML, ITILITY, Rotary Club and many more.
Our Key National Level collaborators are National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), Govt. of India, Emmanuel Hospital Association, Partnership for TB Care and Control in India, India HIV AIDS alliance, Chronic Care Foundation, Public Health Foundation of India, National Institute for the Visually Handicapped (NIVH) Govt. of India, Engage Disability India, Operation Equip India, Barefoot Lightning, National Institute of Open School (NIOS), Reliance Foundation, MAX India Foundation, MAX Hospital, VIVA India Trust, Sphere India - CASA, CASA, EFFICOR. and many more.
Our partners at the State and District Level are the State Government of Uttarakhand and its various departments like AIDS Control, Dep’t of Health, Dep’t of Education and Social Welfare Dep’t, Community Health Global Network (Uttarakhand Cluster), Herbertpur Christian Hospital, Landour Community Hospital, Raphael Home, Sharp Memorial School, Dehradun Disability Forum, the Municipal Corporation of Dehradun and many more.
Our Overseas offices- with Independent boards are Agnes Kunze Society- Germany, St. HOPE project India –The Netherlands, Agnes Kunze Society- Tana Bana- Austria.
AKS ‘Hope Project’ Operates on Values of Trust, Transparency, Equality and Accountability
+91-843 900 2016
+91-971 953 6211
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