Hope Self Help Group is another type of project for income generation started by Hope. In this there has to be a group of five women, each will be given equal amount from the total rupees 50,000.00, which has to be paid back timely. This work is purely based on Bank. It is bank who creates an ID for the group by the help of Hope Project and does all the work. With the given money group is required to start some kind of small business i.e. a small shop or vegetable stand, get a sewing machine or start any other little trade. In this way it is an opening to start their own independent Standard income. Presently there are 45 SHGs running. Supporting partners are AKS Germany, Micro- Finance.
Hope Vocational Training Program focuses on adult women primarily. This program includes training Courses i.e. stitching, beautician, sweet box making etc. These courses are designed in such a way where the trainees learn several kind of ability to earn their own, at the same time managing their household. There are well qualified vocational teachers for this course. In past 7 years the society has been providing the following training programs to community people, Sewing Training,Computer Training. Till now about 250 community people have completed their training and successfully and are doing their job and saving sufficient for their family. Supporting partner is AKS Germany.
Hope Handloom/Vocational Project started on 9th December-2005. In this program the young men, women/ladies of the community were given training of handloom and after training they got employed in the Hope Handloom. The handloom products made by Hope Handloom are shawls, bed sheets, bed covers, bags, carpet etc. This is the SHGs Program (income generation program) through which the men/women, ladies can improve their living standard and become self depend/ independent. By this program many people get employment. The main aim of Hope Handloom is to raise the funds for Hope Project from these products. Supporting partner is AKS Germany.
Hope Mini Bank one of the best innovations of Agnes Kunze Society was started in August 2011 a sincere effort to discourage children from misusing their money in smoking, tobacco and gambling etc. To stop all these bad habits in children the society took the initiative in the form of Mini Bank. In it the minimum deposit amount is Rs 20/- and Rs 300/- max with a 3 year of duration is locked in the period then after amount can be withdrawn with a simple procedure in need. 10% of interest is given by the society on the total saving amount individually. To support this partners are Stake holder of which most are Children.
Hope Trekking & Camping is a Project of Fund raising for the underprivileged children & community we serve. These Treks & Camping’s are being organized in some of the most extreme terrains of the state- be it the mountains, caves or just the woods! The Uttaranchal Himalayan region in India is one such place that offers fantastic range of camping. Whether it is wildlife camping or normal camping. Supporting partners include Stake holders.
DILIP (Disability Inclusive Livelihood Initiative Project). Since the people we engage with are disable, we provide them with goats and hens so that they can have some source of income for their family.To improve quality life of people with disabilities in Uttarakhand region through meaningful engagement and/ or gainful employment in the field of agriculture and horticulture. Around 112 people have benefited from this programme. In partnership with CHGN-UKC & Herbertpur Christian Hospital Society, Uttarakhand.
AKS ‘Hope Project’ Operates on Values of Trust, Transparency, Equality and Accountability
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