HOPE ACADEMY was officially functioning as an educational unit of Agnes Kunze Society at Madrasi Colony Rest Camp II. In the year of 2009-2010 through the Uttarakhand Government the school got its affiliation. & got registered under RTE in 2013-14. This is the first school situated in the slum area whose main focus is to uplift the underprivileged communities and we are taking the necessary steps moving with the times. On 16th April 2015 Agnes Kunze Academy was able to start e-digital education so that in the modern education time even our children could make use of the advantages of smart board education. Today 302 students benefit from it. Students enjoy the smart classes and also raise questions. By this E- digital class the education has been made more interesting, easy & helpful and also attractive for these children, also the level of dropouts have decreased. We are proud and filled with Hope in taking our journey from Slate to Smart Boards and bringing quality education to the underprivileged Community we serve. Supporting partners are SHPI, AKS Germany, Itility, ASML, APTARA, SSA and ONGC.
Hope Home is a boarding house for the underprivileged and downtrodden children whose parents have no resources of sustaining their life and their family. Originally the Hope Home started with 12 children in January 2006 in a rented house. Gradually over the time the number of the children started increasing and the Home was shifted from the rented premises to its own building in Signiwala on March 28, 2008. Hope Home is located in big area with clean environment and natural surroundings. The hostel building is a two-storied building and also has a big playground for the children to play. At present there are 42 children in the Home, ‘4' more are studying from their own homes and ’12' more are in various trainings. They are provided with all the facilities at the Home and their physical, mental, spiritual and social needs are taken care of. Supporting partners are SHPI, AKS Germany, Itility, Kembe Foundation, and ONGC.
Hope Evening School/Tuition/Remedial Classes are held for students with learning difficulties. This also reduces the chances of drop-outs and absentees as the children learn to overcome their learning disability. The community children those who are studying in other schools are given aid so that they can improve themselves in education and all activities. The Evening School/Tuition was basically started for the poor children of the community those who are going to other school as well as the children studying in Hope school. Supporting partner is AKS Germany.
Hope Samvedna Project was started on December 03,2011 at the Home which focuses on children with special needs. The children are taught basic learning skills in a play-way method. A special educator has been appointed who teaches the children the basic concept of education, health/hygiene and also helps them to do physical exercises. Presently, 56 people including children are in this program. They are all eager to come every day and want to learn new things. The education plan for these children is made according to their needs and focuses on the following areas: Self Help Skills, Music & Theory, Social Behavior, Functional Academy, Gross Motor & Fine Motor Skills, and Early Intervention. The networking partners are KHW, Anugrah Herbertpur, Raphael, Pioneers.
Hope Higher Education Sponsorship Program does counselling of young boys and girls of the community those who are dropouts. We prepare these boys and girls for the final exam of 10th & 12th class. These young boy and girls of the community are taking keen interest in studies also society provides with the computer courses to them. And by Distance Education they are able to clear their Exams. The project also takes care of these slum children and provide them with the following facilities –uniforms, stationary, school fees and also conveyance (van) for taking them to school and dropping back to their Homes. After school tuition is given to the children to help them in their studies, as their parents are not educated and cannot help them in their studies. Hope project provides higher Education to the children so that they may not leave their studies incomplete on any account and they can become respectable citizens of their country. Supporting partners are AKS Germany, ASML.
AKS ‘Hope Project’ Operates on Values of Trust, Transparency, Equality and Accountability
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